Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Weigh In

Down 1.4 today.  I was thinking it might be more with adding in JMBR, but I'm not disappointed at all- I'm also tracking measurements that I will share at the end of phase one and those I'm very pleased with this week!  I'm just so excited that I've been eating right and I've managed to get in every workout as well so far this week.  Next week I am looking forward to getting my workouts back to a morning schedule.  I really wanted to start on Monday, which threw me into nightly workouts for this week, but I am one who really does better with morning workouts.  I don't like getting up early, but when I work out at night, I have trouble falling asleep.  Not because I'm not tired, because I am- I just can't seem to turn my brain off!  So, two more days and I will be done with week 1- a very fast week all things considered!

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